A hypnotic experience
I recently attended the "100 hour" Yapko Hypnosis training. What a treat to be able to attend 12 days of professional development with one of the masters of clinical hypnosis and clinical psychology – Michael Yapko. Michael now works mostly with people experiencing significant clinical depression – I was actually most surprised and concerned to hear that Australia has the second highest prevelance of depression in the world - second only to Iceland! In terms of psychological areas Michael made the comment that if he had his time over again he may well have focussed more on pain and sleep. I mentioned this to my good friend and peer, Dr Frank Cahill from Sleep with Confidence, and although he does not practice hypnosis himself, he is well aware of the benefits of hypnosis and sleep. Hypnosis and pain also has good evidence (see resources page) and I really enjoy the flexibility of using hypnosis with people to help manage pain and other physical and mental health conditions.
Published with permission from Michael Yapko 2018